Tuesday, January 8, 2008

This Has Got To Stop

I'd be holding my opinion about the latest Britney meltdown to concentrate on topics of greater importance, as you've been (fortunate to be) reading so far. (Fortunately) I had proximity to said political candidate's rallies to experiment with such narrative. However, now I'm just one of a million spouting their dirty dishwater, reacting to the latest trashtastic news of the walking sewer of our vainglorious dreams, Miss Spears.
As big a PerezHilton.com reader I am, I don't mind that he's made a bunch of money despite his lousy taste in music, I draw the line here:

as much as I enjoy getting up righteous indignation at the expense of Brit, I can say without equivocation that I would prefer it very much if she would die and "get it over with".
Perhaps taking her act any further would be an unprecedented effrontery to the dignity of  human character. The overexposure of this individual is so unnecessary, but the coverage is such that media outlets cannot seem to stop covering her, try as Jack Cafferty might protest.
  I just am not looking for the happy ending for Spears, because I know it's going to be on the cover of Melodrama Today, and like everything else Disney, Hollywood & the Spears Machine in general, it is deceitful, corrupt and tawdry bullshit, sanitized for your protection.

Just to clarify, I like tales of debauchery, drug abuse and death before one's time. Great geniuses have lived their lives this way. Hendrix, Joplin, Morrison, Belushi, Cobain, Farley. The list goes on. The script for Brit reads recovery, read all about it. I suppose it's a matter of time, but it just sickens me how people are cashing in on her from both sides. 

In related news, Britney's friend and Best sycophant Ali Simms failed to secure a deal for a reality show centered around her, hopefully ending her divined career entertaining us.

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