Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Postmortem & Preview

Much has happened in the week since I'm back from Des Moines. Huckabee and Obama won their respective victories in the Iowa caucus, and tonight is the New Hampshire Primary.  My "coverage" of the candidate's campaign stops was good exercise for me, and I'm still following the campaign closely.
It is incredible that phantom candidates are still being mulled about by some overspeculative, currying wonks. So nice to have a baker's dozen to choose from, so could we please stop talking about Mike Bloomberg, Lou Dobbs and say... Duncan Hunter? Please, lets be realistic, folks.

The buzzword of '08 already, on everyone's lips. Seems like Obama provides the most easily digestible formula, that some Conservatives are listening to. Whether this is Republican strategy to push forth a weaker Democratic candidate remains to be seen. Nothing has changed, from the widespread hatred of all things Clinton to all non tru-Conservative inconsistency nee Romney. McCain doesn't posses these qualities either, but NH is his playground.

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