Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Somebody please shut Kant Play's Mouth

Kanye West, aka Kant Play, has made another completely ridiculous quote out there in Details, which is not exactly a magazine for the thinking man, anyway, but still...

"Put this in the magazine: There's nothing more to be said about music. I'm the fucking end-all, be-all of music. I know what I'm doing. I did 808s in three weeks. I got it. It's on cruise control. . . ...
I need to vent again how sick I am of Kant play. This quote explains a lot. If he put more than 3 weeks effort into an album, there wouldn't be so many repeated non-rhyming phrases, and empty spaces of repetitious beats. Now the schmuck is on cruise control, appearing at awards shows and pushing some upcoming fashion line.All this is the empty-celebrity trappings we follow more than we acknowledge his alleged "musical product". Just stop claiming to be a fucking genius and the end-all of music. Poplular music died long before you hit the scene, Kant-play. I'd like to see you try to entertain at a nursing home with an acoustic instrument. See how that goes down.

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